Acrylic on 8 pieces of 18" x 24" plexiglass. Total size: 37"x25" Date: November 2018.
The passion of youth as well as the universal quest for rejuvenation is the subject of this painting of Hebe, The Greek Goddess of Youth.
Hebe (/ˈhiːˌbiː/) in ancient Greek mythology, was the goddess of youth. She was the daughter of Zeus and Hera and was married to Heracles. This Goddess had the power to give eternal youth, and to restore youth to mortals. Hebe was the youngest of the gods and responsible for keeping the other gods eternally young.
For me, the young Greek Goddess was a perfect subject to incorporate a loose passionate application of paint that contrasts nicely with the tight dotted rendering of the mature woman. This painting captures the universal contrasts of young and passionate, verses mature and refined. Youth seeking acceptance and knowledge, verses the elderly seeking youth and rejuvenation.
Hebe's Mythological power to join the old and new is tangibly represented by the intertwining of two sets of plexiglass into one painting.
Here is a short 1 min video that shows this painting and detail images on how it's put together.
I am so honored to have my painting 'The Goddess of Youth - Hebe' win first place in the Beaux Arts 57 Members Show. I was so excited to be excepted into the membership of this prestigious organization earlier this year. But to win this award, well I'm speechless.
Judge Rose Thome Casterline's Comments: "The judge enjoyed the dimensionality of this visually entertaining work, and appreciated being able to see a sequence in the application of the dots and marks."
I want to give special thanks to a few people that helped me through the process of creating this painting. Their advice and insight was, and is invaluable: Lillian Verkins, Peter Cerreta, Boris Douglas Garbe, Dr. Carmen McGuinness, Vickie Wilson, Dominic DaSylva.
Congratulations to Melissa Hosfelt Mason for her 'Best in Show' painting: 'End of the Rainbow', and to the other winners as well.