Home / Paintings / Red Sky Dancer - Collaboration with Lillian Verkins

Red Sky Dancer - Collaboration with Lillian Verkins

Acrylic paint on 3 sheets of plexiglass on top of 36"x36" acrylic on canvas. Date: March 2024.

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2024 Art League Of Daytona Beach, Juried Exhibition Judges Comments:
Award of Distinction: Red Sky Dancer, Acrylic by Robert Shirk
The uniqueness of this brightly colored and patterned work is fascinating. The incorporation of layers of painted plexiglass makes the already exciting dancer appear to be leaping out of the luminous background. - Judge: Vicky Lennon

The Story Of This Painting.

Musicians collaborate when composing and preforming music. Why not visual artists. This painting is a result of a collaboration between me and Lillian Verkins.

Lillian Verkins & Robert Shirk
Robert and Lillian

I just finished this painting "Red Sky Dancer". It's a collaboration by me and Lillian Verkins. She trusted me enough to let me add some of my Neo-Pointillist dots to her wonderful 36"x36" acrylic painting. The concept is kind of like jamming with a jazz musician. But instead of music it's with visual art. The idea is to have the two contrasting styles harmonize yet still have that tension created by the different styles.

This painting will be a part of an exhibition this summer (2024) at Gallery500 in Daytona, FL. The exhibition will include other collaborative paintings that I have done with Beau Wild, Lillian Verkins, Jean Banas, and Jennifer Payne. I am so honored to have their trust and the opportunity to collaborate on paintings with these wonderful artists.

Before and after
Lillian's painting before and after my addition.

Lillian is known for her large paintings inspired by Hubble Space telescope images of nebula. Here is a short 30 second video showing some of her work:

You can learn more about my journey to Pointillism here.

Exhibition History: